What if the kids don’t behave well?
First and foremost, the whole point is to let kids be kids. Shoot the Moon’s Portraits are meant to capture their reality. There’s no need to stress perfection when real life is what’s best.
There are several things parents can do to help their kids be their glowing best: feed them before the appointment, bring some low-mess snacks (to preserve outfits and faces) and bring drinks, preferably in a no-spill cup.
Please keep those treats hidden as we will often use them as a last resort. Remember not to bring anything you would not want in a photograph, as sometimes when a child gets something (i.e. keys, cell phone) they are hesitant to give it up.
Occasionally, we can use our stash of bribes to help direct kids’ attention for a while, but it will really help us out if you let us pull out bribes as needed– we have photographed THOUSANDS of kids over our 10 years in business; there is no behavior that will phase us. Trust us.
What should we wear?
Keep clothing simple and comfy. Excessive clothing changes or uncomfortable clothes often translate to grumpy kiddos. Keep it simple and their personalities will shine! For some clothing ideas check out our Pinterest page by
clicking here.
What will happen at the viewing and ordering appointment?
Your viewing and ordering appointment has been specially arranged for you. Most clients find this to be the most fun part of the experience at Shoot the Moon. We will present you with the fine art images we created specially for you in a private viewing appointment. Ordering will be done at this time so it is important that anyone who wishes to be part of the decision making process is present. Please come prepared to make choices at this appointment.
What if we are not sure what we want?
Not a problem at all! First, we will go through your images and help you select your favorites. Then we will figure out with you which products will be best suited to allow you to have all of the images you want and after that, your design consultant will crunch all of the numbers and find the best package or combination for you. We make it as simple as possible during your ordering appointment to make your decisions. Once you select the images you love, we will help figure out the best products with you!
Will you work with my budget?
Not to worry! We have packages and products to fit into most budgets. Often times our clients expect to fall in love with a handful of images and after seeing their Shoot the Moon images, realize they love many more than they expected! We take this as a sign that we exceeded their expectations. We have lots of options for ways to get all of the images you love including image boxes, digital negatives, coffee table books and story frames. I realize that custom portraiture is an investment and I am honored when clients choose me to create artwork for their family. After all, our portraits are one of the few significant purchases we make that will someday be owned and cherished by the very subjects in them! In other words, my sons will likely never own my Volkswagon or want my much-loved Kitchenaid Mixer, but they will adore the portraits of our family all the days of their lives, as will their children’s children.
Packages start at $408,
Request an appointment and we will be happy to answer any detailed pricing questions you may have!
Ok, I’m in! What do I do next?
Give us a call! We will find the session type that fits you best, so give us a call today at 262.240.9848 or tap the button below to request an appointment.
Shoot the Moon Photography accepts cash, checks and all major credit cards. Reservation Fees are due at the time of booking or within 2 days. Our session fees are non-refundable; however should you find the need to cancel your session for any reason, you may apply the session fee to another session within 1 year.